Dental Implants

Riverside dental implants provide state-of-the-art solutions for missing teeth from sports injuries, aging or other causes. Just ask us about the popular tooth replacement options available from our friendly, highly-trained team at Specializing in Dental Implants.

A missing tooth can interfere with how you relate to other people as you go about your day-to-day life. Customized dental implants can be a permanent and affordable alternative to bothersome dentures. We deliver high quality implant dentistry results that will make you feel happy and make your smile look gorgeous.

Schedule your Riverside dental implants exam now with Dr. Orest Frangopol, by contacting our friendly staff at (844) 316-3054. Or complete the convenient form on our website. We want you to feel like smiling every day.

 Call for an appointment:
(800) 334-2057

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Specializing in Dental Implants
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Dr. Orest Frangopol

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Specializing in Dental Implants
14437 Meridian Parkway
Riverside, CA 92508
General Info: (800) 334-2057
Comfortable, Affordable Care

 Call for an appointment:
(800) 334-2057

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