Out With The Old Dentures - In With The New!

You may be surprised to learn that false teeth aren't expected to last more than 5 to 10 years and still give a natural look. So even if your dentures are in perfect condition, maybe it's time for a change even if there's nothing wrong with the materials or the original denture fitting.

It's a fact of life the tissue in your mouth shrinks as you age. The ridges that support your prosthodontics recede, slowly but surely. New wrinkles and laugh lines appear, and your chin moves toward your nose. You may feel fine but look tired all the time.

Take a good look in the mirror. If you don't like what you see, it may be time to have denture repair or to replace your false teeth. With new dentures, your face will look fuller and younger, and you'll get your youthful smile back, too!

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(800) 334-2057

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Specializing in Dental Implants
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Dr. Orest Frangopol

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Specializing in Dental Implants
14437 Meridian Parkway
Riverside, CA 92508
General Info: (800) 334-2057
Comfortable, Affordable Care